
07 December, 2011

Ponle Freno 5K race

Two weeks before Thanksgiving, my friend Lindsay and I decided that we needed to work out more, so of course we did what any rational people would do and signed up for a 5K run (haha). 

During the time before the race, we made sure to eat lots of tapas and drink lots of wine only work out once of twice. 

Surprisingly we stuck to our promise and 10 euro entrance fee and ran the race (a couple of days after Thanksgiving).  It was pretty cool, because there were a LOT of people participating in the race (there was a 5k & 10k).   Also, the race went right down the street I live off of and Retiro park.  Although our times weren’t ideal, we were really proud of ourselves for sticking with it and actually running the race. 

 Linds and I hope to run more 5k’s in the future and hopefully a 10k before we leave…I guess first we should start working out more consistently…. ;)

(sorry, i don't have actual pics of Linds & I, because I lost my phone that I took pics on :(

The name of the race: "Ponle Freno"  translates to "hit the breaks" or "put a break on."  The race was essentially a campaign to raise awareness for road/traffic safety (bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, etc.

1 comment:

  1. There is a 10k race we were thinking about doing in april called the rock and roll marathon. You guys should do it. Plenty of time to train :)
