
27 February, 2012

Weekend Fun in the Sun

So, i know this forecast is for Alcala de Henares...but it's practically the same!

This past weekend was a great andrelaxing weekend.  Friday we went out a bit...nothing too exciting (that I want to right on here, anyway..hehe)  Saturday my friends and I tried the McRib at McDonald's for the heck of it (it sucked), then went to my friend Jess' house.  Oh, did I mention she lives IN Plaza Mayor?  She lives on the top floor, facing the plaza so the view is amazing; the whole city seemed to come out of hiding in order to catch some of the spring-like weather and visit one of the most famous spots in Madrid.  After hanging out of the roof for awhile, we decided to head to Buen Retiro Park, the largest park in Madrid.  

We tossed around a frisbee for awhile and just hung out; it felt so good to be outside!  I was pretty pooped from the night before, so i decided to take a nap around 7pm so I could get up and go out with my friends...FAIL.  I ended up sleeping through the night and waking up on Sunday at 9am.  I couldn't believe it!  

Sunday morning I laid around for a bit, watching my new guilty pleasure "Angel o Demonio," a cheesy Spanish series about angels & fallen angels and the war against good and evil...I know it's weird, but it's a really great way to practice Spanish...and majorly addictive!  

Sunday was just as gorgeous as the day before, so I rounded up some friends for lunch at one of our favorite Indian restaurants.  The chicken tika masala was incredible as usual and then after headed to Buen Retiro park (again) with a couple of beers to hang out.  There were tons of people at the park again, and it was a wonderful day to hang out outside.  It's amazing how you can feel your mood change with a slight rise in temperature.  

Here are a few photos I took at the park...the sun(set) was really beautiful...





1 comment:

  1. hahahaha "nothing too exciting, that I wan't to write on here"... yes, thank you for not sharing the details of that night with your readers ;) hahaha. more fun in the sun days plsssss. <3 you.
